Veterinarian. Author. Speaker. Mentor.
I have found happiness as a veterinary professional and work to help others do the same by providing mentorship and education to veterinary professionals and students.
We must create a profession that is more sustainable and more positive for the whole team. This starts with mentorship. Are you on board?

"What does mentorship look like in your practice?" If you currently employ or plan to hire an early career veterinarian, this is a question you must be able to answer.
Mentorship is essential for recruitment and retention of early career veterinarians. The Veterinary Mentorship Manual was developed to provide your practice with a blueprint for developing a mentorship program for new and recent graduates. This workbook is available as a PDF download and includes an introduction to mentorship, skills evaluation, considerations for a mentorship agreement, a sample schedule, mentorship tips, and more.
Hello, I'm Dr. Kate.
With a passion for mentorship and a deep desire to be a catalyst for positive change in the veterinary profession, I incorporate over ten years of clinical experience in small animal general practice and emergency medicine into educational content for veterinary teams, students, and pet owners.
If you are a student, I want to show you how magical working in this profession can be and help you to be practice-ready by tackling topics that aren’t often covered in core curricula through lectures and mentorship.
If you are a veterinary professional, I want to remind you of why you became a part of this profession. No matter where you are in your career and what your role is, I want to see you gain the confidence to chase your passions and develop the tools you need to succeed.
I offer a range of educational content for veterinary schools, clinics, and professional organizations as an author and speaker. If you’re looking for a speaker for a live or virtual event or in-clinic training on team communication and mentorship, let’s talk.